All of them are gone
Unless I become them
Take their form
Put myself to sleep so he might be able to
Speak with them
See them
I took that from him.
He is this - this -
I did this.
Riye, you could see it
You knew.
You knew both - you -
You saw that I couldn’t have killed him, but you saw that I could kill you.
I don’t know if I had parents but I had you
You knew what I had to do and you saw
You saw
You saw me fail
You knew I loved.
And in that face I saw what I have not seen
Directed at me
How could you pity me
With my blade
His blade
In your stomach?
The fall wouldn’t kill me
Likely wouldn’t kill me.
Maybe wouldn’t.
The fall might kill me but don’t I deserve it?
I deserve to fall.
Strange Fruit, falling under a gathering storm
Words stick in my throat as I’m thrown from the building. So many different words so many big words and tiny words but big words because I’ve held them in my mouth, beneath my tongue
Beneath my throat
Beneath my ribs
For so long.
The roots of this tree wrap around my heart, prepare to rip out my soul and
And his hand, warm, takes mine.
His hand, *warm*, takes mine.
Not… not naturally warm.
No, not naturally, but
But I’m sorry
I’m sorry, but
When I change I am not me and
And I didn’t want to be alone again.
And you -
You’re a puzzle to me.
Your face is a puzzle
I like puzzles
I like this puzzle
The puzzle of you
And I don’t know how to
But you’re warm.
Is it you?